Service & Repair

Service & Repair

Boiler, central heating repairs and power flushing  

We are authorised and regulated in boiler servicing and repairs services on domestic Natural gas, LPG and Oil boilers. All boilers should be checked and serviced annually to enjoy peace of mind that your boiler is kept in good condition especially throughout the cold winter months.  We will best advise if your system is likely to encounter further issues in the future and discuss the relevant boiler repair options.

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Central Heating repairs and Chemical magnetic flushing

If you’re experiencing problems with your central heating system, or radiators, our heating engineers can help. As well as repair work, we also offer a system magnetic and chemical flushing service to make your boiler more efficient and improves heat circulation in your radiators, to get the heating in your home back to full working order. A clean heating system will have noticeable effects to the warmth in your home, bringing down ever rising energy costs and extending the life of your boiler and all heating system components

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